Vegan Family | Cozy Roots

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Geschenkideen Kinder: Nachhaltiges zu Weihnachten verschenken

Gift ideas for children: Sustainable gifts for Christmas

Useful gift ideas for children without kitsch, pollutants and plastic. Here you will find a wonderful selection of environmentally friendly gifts for Christmas.

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Zu Weihnachten: Geschenke für werdende Mütter

For Christmas: Gifts for expectant mothers

Special gift ideas for pregnant women: We present you sustainable gifts that ensure unforgettable moments in this exciting phase of life.

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ab wann laufen babys

Child development: When do babies walk?

Turning, crawling, creeping and finally the first steps - children develop incredibly quickly. Find out here when babies should learn to walk.

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kinder am strand

With children on the beach: 3 tips for a relaxed beach holiday

In this guide you will find out which must-haves should not be missing on a family holiday by the sea and what children really need...

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Vegane Müsliriegel: Schnell und einfach gemacht

Vegan granola bars: quick and easy to make

Vegan muesli bars are a real power snack for you and your child. Homemade muesli bars, such as oat bars or so-called granola bars, are...

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Babys vegetarisch ernähren - oder sogar vegan, geht das?

Feeding babies a vegetarian diet – or even a vegan diet, is that possible?

Do you want to become vegan, eat more consciously for yourself and your family, or learn more about vegan food supplements? Then this article is...

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veganes fingerfood

Vegan finger food for children's birthday parties

Vegan finger food for children's birthday parties is quickly prepared, brings variety to the children's table and there is sure to be something delicious for...

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vesper kita

Snacks for daycare: 5 healthy lunch box ideas

Snacks for the day care center do not always have to be fancy and expensive. We have delicious and healthy vegan ideas for the kindergarten...

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strom sparen tipps

23 tips for saving electricity in the home

You should save electricity not only since the energy crisis. That protects the earth and your wallet. You can find the best tips for saving...

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